Intense and dangerous dose of freezing blackened metal in 90´s devotion and recycling of typical gestures and aggression. Raw, but not excessively dependant on extra lo-fi non-production to hide lack of talent or ability to create darkness around, by music itself, not necessarily the way it is recorded.
What may seem like not much more than a copy of certain tendencies within extreme metal grows with successive auditions, specificity and cohesion along the entire recording becomes evident. Not that those influences are disguised or hidden, they are clear and clearly assumed. “Nekrolog” resembles in a direct way “Black Ash Snowfall” by USBM big name Krieg, itself a revisitation of northern black metal via brutality and minimalism, and there could be much more examples where the roots could be traced from the exhaustion of some structures, melodies or themes evoked, be it the typical Norwegian morbidity or some more extreme, elitist images and words (Darker Than Black is known for having released material from such names as Thor´s Hammer or Kristallnacht in the past, although I don´t believe that is essential for the review itself).
Less dependent on velocity, in comparison to the previous example, or some of those elder names here exhumed, but with enough rhythmic variations and adjustment of ideas, to keep an interest on the dynamics here proposed, even if most of its music dwells around a riff or variation of that riff. Melodic, but savage and piercing, blending the blood with the might.
Not particularly original, but done with such devotional style that makes most of the clichés sound as genuine doses of musical and semi-mythological revisitations of an era. Cold and grim, but still powerful and well-executed, modern, but never sounding forced to contemporacy.
Original review at
Full-length, Darker Than Black
January 2008
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