Anti - The Insignificance of Life

27 de dez. de 2009


Anti - The Insignificance of Life

If there’s one thing I hate about my own reviews, it’s that editing one’s own work is incredibly hard. Just when I thought I wrote something perfectly, and I edited out all the sentences that don’t make sense, the misspelled words and common grammatical errors, I’ll skim by a post that’s been up for a day or too, and then argh! How does Cosmo Lee get it right posting the first time?! To those people wondering why they see mistakes in my work, I hope this sheds a bit of light on the situation. That and probably the lack of sleep.
This marks my last raw black metal review from the Obscure Abhorrence package I got, and I think I’ve saved the best for last. This time, the treble-label guitars aren’t so washed out and completely weakened by lack of midrange or bass. True, they contain very little of anything resembling bass, but the do at least contain a hinting of midrange to add a slight bit more power, and they’re clear! There’s the odd clean tone in most of the songs which really provides a good break to the action. I can also hear an actual bass hiding in there! The drum machine used seems like it’s been recorded and tweaked to the point to match real drums in both playing style and tuning (although drum machines can never get that high-hat sound right). In fact, the production actually doesn’t seem so bad, which is why the distorted vocals coming from that abandoned mineshaft actually seem a bit out of place.

The title song on this EP might open up quickly, but the rest of “The Insignificance Of Lift” is slow and depressing. Sure it’s full of tremolo picked chords to the point where if you hear a distorted guitar, that’s all that’s being played, but they’re done to a point where there’s a hint of something catchy flowing underneath everything. ANTI doesn’t quite work their wares to sound like a mixture of doom and black metal, but I think the suicidal point is driven home.

Original review at

Depressive Black Metal, Germany
Full-length, Obscure Abhorrence Productions
January 18th, 2006

Easy-share: Download Here

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